Sabbat Ceremonies and Crafting Day Potlucks
I AM over the moon to announce that I have teamed up with a friend, Ashley Herbert of Earth's Virtues, to secure a location for my Sabbat Ceremonies this year! We now have a lovely outdoor space to hold ceremony about every six weeks. We will meet at my studio a few days before Sabbat for Crafting Day Potlucks. We will create our spells to be used and placed on the altar during ceremony while spending time in community and enjoying a Potluck Dinner together.
Here is a rough schedule of the Sabbats. I will hold Ceremony as close to these dates as possible:
Imbolc: February 1-2
Ostara: March 20-21 (Spring Equinox)
Beltain: May 1
Litha: June 20-21 (Summer Solstice)
Lammas: August 1-2
Mabon: September 20-21 (Autumn Equinox)
Samhain: October 31
Yule: December 20-21 (Winter Solstice)
Monthly LIVE Sale Shows
I have teamed up with another friend, Candace Rose of CC's Crystals, to give you access to both of our stores, including a large inventory of crystals. We will be going LIVE once a month to showcase our inventory and offer you some great deals!! Be sure to join her private Facebook group, pictured below, to gain access to the LIVEs.
