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Imbolc Altar & Ceremony

Updated: Jan 22

In my studio space I keep an altar where I honor the energies of nature and divinity. I redress this altar every 6 weeks, with the changing seasons and Sabbats. This altar was created to celebrate Imbolc, February 1-2. The candles will be burned during my Imbolc ceremony. Imbolc is the half-way point between Yule and Ostara. It is a time of purification, when our ancestors would prepare the soil for spring planting. Now is the time to clean and clear, to declutter physical spaces, to clear the energy with Rosemary. We purify our own energy and spirit through meditation and intention. Put the final touches on your plans for the year and be open to change.

The Imbolc altar is traditionally dressed in white, light blue and the light green of spring sprouts. Also white flowers. Pale amethyst, rose quartz, and moonstone. Candles to symbolize the return of the sun. The candle wheel represents the Wheel of the Year and the ever changing seasons. I built my candle wheel from plasticine clay, foliage and flowers from around my office, 4 white and 4 light blue candles. (See my blog post, Imbolc Crafting, also found in the newlsetter)

The tradition of "Spring Cleaning" has its roots in the Purification rituals of Imbolc. Take this opportunity to clean your home, car and work spaces. Clear out the closet or garage. Clear the clutter and start fresh. Take any old, unwanted items to your local shelter or thrift store.

Rosemary has been used at Imbolc to clean and clear the home and other spaces. You can burn dried rosemary sprigs or diffuse rosemary essential oil. You can also make a clearing spray with rosemary oil and water in a glass spray bottle.

I also suggest spending as much time as possible in the sun this month. Soak up the warmth and energy of the sun's rays, enjoying the contrast of the still cool air. Feel the fresh.

My altar is a constant source of joy and peace, anchoring the energy in my studio for all my clients and classes. I use my altar to charge my spells and intentions throughout the season following Imbolc. Join me next month for Ostara ceremony and festivities! Below is the full view of the altar before Imbolc, with the candle wheel still in tact.

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