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Emerging from the Chrysalis

My card reading today.

MotherPeace Deck

This layout reads like a clock, beginning with the top card and progressing towards the central energy card in the center.

1. III Empress (rev)

2. Daughter of Wands

3. 9 of Swords (rev)

4. XVIII Moon (right)

5. XXI World (rev)

1. In a period of dormancy, she felt like she couldn’t take care of herself or anyone else. She felt like her creativity was dried up. It’s winter, a cyclical period of rest.

2. She rushes forward to a new adventure, exploding with joy of life and freedom. She is no longer held back by others’ judgements or limitations.

3. She looks at each fear one by one in a deep process of turning demons into allies. She understands the positive use of something she has feared inside herself. Power and energy are released because she’s no longer controlled by fear.

4. Her mind is working overtime to comprehend what is emerging from inside her.

5. She doesn’t yet realize the magnitude of ending this cycle in her life. She may be unaware of where she is, so she doesn’t realize that she’s completed something. She might feel like holding onto the old familiar ways for a while longer. In time she will become comfortable and begin again as the Fool in the world where everything is possible.

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