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Healing Stones



Energy Healing with Crystals


Crystals can be used for an infinite number of reasons. Most commonly, crystals can improve your physical and emotional health by helping stabilize chaotic energies. Crystals can also help to alter the energy around a certain area or situation. Manifestation is the most exciting way to use crystals as you can, in theory, manifest anything you want. The catch is that the strength of your ability to manifest is directly related to the clarity of your light, or spirit. The choices we make in life will be reflected in our energy fields and ultimately, in our physical health.


So how does one go about clearing their spirit, you might ask. This path will look different for each individual. For me, it started with yoga, which led to chanting and meditation, which led to crystals and Reiki. I believe that each person should try as many modalities as possible before settling on a select few for their healing journey. It has proven very helpful to have many tools in my tool belt when tackling an illness or obstacle.


Most of the work that needs done to obtain a state of clarity in mind and spirit is letting go of past hurts and disappointments. Everything we experience, if not consciously let go of, gets stored somewhere in our energetic body. If this negative emotion stays put long enough, it will manifest itself as a physical pain or ailment. We must take time out of our day to acknowledge and process our feelings! It is so important to our overall well-being that we let these things go to carry a light load. By letting things go we keep open space in our being. This open space can then be filled with LOVE.


Some ways that I use crystals are:

1. I make crystal elixirs with water that I drink

2. I place crystals in my bath.

3. I have crystals placed around my home and office.

4. I build grids using crystals and sacred geometry.

5. I place crystal layouts on my clients, friends and family when working on them.


1. Crystal Elixirs

Please consult a toxicity chart before embarking on this one. Some stones are toxic and can cause some problems if placed directly in your drinking water. Toxic stones can be placed in a small glass container and then placed in the drinking water. This is a great way to have a regular dose of your needed crystal. Ingesting the essence of your crystal can be very powerful and rewarding.


2. Crystal Baths

Please consult a toxicity chart before embarking on this one. Some stones are toxic and can cause some problems if placed directly in your bath water. Toxic stones can be placed in a small glass container and then placed in the bath water.


-Steffani Alyn



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