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Chakra Rainbow


          Most everyone I know loves rainbows.  We will stop driving, working or eating to stand outside for several minutes to stare in admiration or maybe even take a picture. We are mesmorized by the vibrance of the colors, the softness of the transition between each hue.  But does anyone stop to wonder, or even discuss, why? Why are we so drawn to this collection of color, this division of pure white light into seven separate colors? The answer is because this color therapy is healing to our very being. WE ourselves are beings of pure white light, fragmented into a physical form.  The seven basic colors which make up all things are reflected in our own bodies.  The energy system which gives life to our bodies reflects the seven major colors in what's known as the Chakra System.

          Our energetic bodies and Chakras take a beating from our emotional chaos and the world around us. The colors of the rainbow help to balance the energy in our Chakras.  Our seven major Chakras align with the seven major colors of the rainbow. I will go into more detail about this in a moment.  A shallow dive into Quantam physics will tell you that all things are simply energy vibrating at different frequencies.  These frequencies can be measured and in doing so you begin to see a pattern.  Colors, parts of our bodies, musical notes are all related in that they share these vibrational frequencies.  This science has proven to us the health benefits of exposing ourselves to color.

          There are many ways to expose ourselves to color. We can do this through our wardrobe, the clothes and accessories we wear daily. We can do this through our home and work space, by decorating or adding splashes of color with flowers. We can physically expose ourselves to color with colored bulbs or filters. We can meditate on color, receiving the energy where needed. The most fun way, in my opinion, to apply color therapy is to use the beautiful rainbow of crystals provided to us by the plentiful Mother Earth. Crystals offer the energy of their color as well as the perfect and steady energy of the crystal itself.

           Just like our emotions and our health, the color we need at any given moment will be different. There are many different ways to decide which color(s) are most appropriate. You can always use the basic Chakra colors, see below. You can also use the colors associated with the days of the week, see chart below. Or you can use your intuition.



Try adding color to your life in the following practical ways:

                                   1. Match your clothing and accessories to the color you need that day.

                                   2. Hang pictures and place flowers of your needed color in your personal space.

                                   3. Carry a stone, crystal or other item of color in your pocket.

                                   4. Meditate on any color(s), picture a light of that color shining on you.

                                   5. Eat foods of your chosen color.

                                   6. What do you do to add color to your life?


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